home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Friday, August 11, 2023 - Page 1 of 108 - << previous page : next page >>
12:21pm - Parked in the Mickey and Friends parking structure
12:21pm - Parked in the Mickey and Friends parking structure Click to switch to large image view
The security screening sign looked new/clean.  The logo jumped out to me too. The previous version may have had it and I just never paid attention.
The security screening sign looked new/clean. The logo jumped out to me too. The previous version may have had it and I just never paid attention. Click to switch to large image view
The area that was formerly the lounge and Steakhouse 55 are behind a curtain and being worked on. The restaurant is not returning.
The area that was formerly the lounge and Steakhouse 55 are behind a curtain and being worked on. The restaurant is not returning. Click to switch to large image view