home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Friday, July 14, 2023 - Page 52 of 85 - << previous page : next page >>
Goofy's front yard
Goofy's front yard Click to switch to large image view
Wonder if that is the finished look for that rectangle on top of the facade
Wonder if that is the finished look for that rectangle on top of the facade Click to switch to large image view
Found this interesting. There were two cast members out front of the Lion King letting guests know about the show and pushing that there is plenty of seating in shade.  The odd part was the show was about 1/2 over by this point.  Seemed a little too late.
Found this interesting. There were two cast members out front of the Lion King letting guests know about the show and pushing that there is plenty of seating in shade. The odd part was the show was about 1/2 over by this point. Seemed a little too late. Click to switch to large image view