home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Monday, November 1, 2021 - Page 60 of 90 - << previous page : next page >>
Canoes were still circling the Rivers of America this late afternoon
Canoes were still circling the Rivers of America this late afternoon Click to switch to large image view
The Mark Twain Riverboat setting off on a cruise.  The upper deck was not in use today. Only the lower two.  Noticed this on a half dozen cruises, so I skipped a ride today (so no Pelican's Landing pictures).
The Mark Twain Riverboat setting off on a cruise. The upper deck was not in use today. Only the lower two. Noticed this on a half dozen cruises, so I skipped a ride today (so no Pelican's Landing pictures). Click to switch to large image view
it's a small world is closed for the annual holiday transformation.  It will reopen on the 12th.
it's a small world is closed for the annual holiday transformation. It will reopen on the 12th. Click to switch to large image view