home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Friday, September 7, 2018 - Page 82 of 136 - << previous page : next page >>
The walls are down from the planter removal project near the DVC stand.  The planter is gone but looks like a light post will be going back. For now trash cans are there and looks to be a staging area for extended queue poles.
The walls are down from the planter removal project near the DVC stand. The planter is gone but looks like a light post will be going back. For now trash cans are there and looks to be a staging area for extended queue poles. Click to switch to large image view
Where a planter once was..
Where a planter once was.. Click to switch to large image view
Went for a hike up to the top of the tree house. Here is a look at Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge from there.
Went for a hike up to the top of the tree house. Here is a look at Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge from there. Click to switch to large image view