home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Friday, December 16, 2016 - Page 11 of 72 - << previous page : next page >>
A section of the Pinocchio Lot has been taken over and is where the check point is.
A section of the Pinocchio Lot has been taken over and is where the check point is. Click to switch to large image view
A closer look at the old stop near the billboards.
A closer look at the old stop near the billboards. Click to switch to large image view
The trams now go down further in the garage before making the left to go outside.  The old driveway is now the cross walk for guests on the Chip and Dale level and Pinocchio lot.
The trams now go down further in the garage before making the left to go outside. The old driveway is now the cross walk for guests on the Chip and Dale level and Pinocchio lot. Click to switch to large image view