home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Saturday, July 16, 2016 - Page 52 of 71 - << previous page : next page >>
Has anyone gone to this recently?  I have not and am curious if it is still as lightly attended as what I observed last month.
Has anyone gone to this recently? I have not and am curious if it is still as lightly attended as what I observed last month. Click to switch to large image view
The All-American College Band was MIA for their 3pm set.  They were delayed 10-15 minutes for some reason.
The All-American College Band was MIA for their 3pm set. They were delayed 10-15 minutes for some reason. Click to switch to large image view
I could not wait around since we were going to try Frozen again.. this time for the 4pm show.
I could not wait around since we were going to try Frozen again.. this time for the 4pm show. Click to switch to large image view