home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Friday, August 1, 2014 - Page 48 of 60 - << previous page : next page >>
I wanted to go for a trip on the Monorail but the line/wait and my time/schedule/patience did not line up.  So here are two pics through the fence.
I wanted to go for a trip on the Monorail but the line/wait and my time/schedule/patience did not line up. So here are two pics through the fence. Click to switch to large image view
You can see they have started to add color again.  Hopefully next trip I can get an overhead shot to really show it.
You can see they have started to add color again. Hopefully next trip I can get an overhead shot to really show it. Click to switch to large image view
Passing Frontierland.
Passing Frontierland. Click to switch to large image view