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Visit Date: 4/06/12
Steps: 24,761
Parks Miles: 9.3
Time in Parks: 9


Trip Log:

Started off this great spring afternoon heading for DCA. Wandered around GRR and out to the Pier. Made my way around to the Fun Wheel and put in my half hour wait for a spin. Once back on the ground continued on around the Pier and through the Wharf on my way to the Blue Sky Cellar area. Took my fill of Cars Land pictures then walked through the Cellar to see if there was anything new (a new Bobsled model) then walked through Bugs Land, around by Tower of Terror and into Hollywood Land. Took a bunch of pictures of the Red Car Cables as I made my way through the area and down Hollywood Blvd to Buena Vista Street. Continued snapping pictures of the construction work then headed for Disneyland. Roamed around Main Street USA, the hub and Matterhorn. The Monorail line was short so went for back to back rides to check out the Buena Vista Street work. Once back in the park walked through Tomorrowland and into the hub. Saw that Soundsational was making its way down the street so I walked to keep in front of it as I headed for Town Square. Watched the first couple of units then headed for DCA and dinner at the Wharf stopping by the Blue Sky Cellar along the way. After dinner stopped by the Little Mermaid since it was a walk on then strolled around GRR and into the Grand Californian. Spent some time hanging out in the lobby listing to a guitar player then walked across the street to the Disneyland Hotel for a walk around. Nothing new or exciting going on so strolled through Downtown Disney on my way back to Disneyland. Walked down Main Street and into Adventureland. Noticed there was almost no wait for the Jungle Cruise so went for a day time spin. Once back continued on to New Orleans Square where again noticed no line, this time for Haunted Mansion so went for a ride. Then walked around the Rivers of America and the Big Thunder Trail to Fantasyland. Decided to walk through the Castle and head back to DCA. As the sun was setting wanted to see what was happening at Cars Land. Stood there for a while then went to check out the Fun Wheel line. It was too long, over half an hour, so I continued on around the Pier and doubled back to the Blue Sky Cellar area. Then walked through Buena Vista Street and into Hollywood Land to see what was going on at ElecTRONica. Stuck around for the first dance competition of the evening then made one more stop at the Blue Sky Cellar patio since it was now completely dark out. It was almost showtime so made my way out to the Pier to catch World of Color. Noticed there were very few guests under the swings so watched the show from out there this time around. After World of Color joined the masses heading for the exit as the Disneyland fireworks were going off. Boarded a tram for the garage and headed back to my car and home.

Other Interesting Stats:
* Moderate Walking Stats (meaning over 2.5mph): 18,212 steps, 156 minutes.

For Comparisons to other trips or more park miles click here to visit our park Miles Section.

Note: These totals may be skewed because the pedometer is zero'd when we start and then left alone and read when we leave. So attractions, and other things may cause extra "steps" to be counted. The pedometer that we use basically measures up/down motion as a step, so if your standing in line and moving up and down it may be counting steps, etc.. so the total distances traveled and steps may be off.. so use these as rough distance comparisons between trips and they may not be accurate in terms of actual distance traveled.

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My Thoughts & Observations:

Hello all,

The spring break season only has another week or so left and with Easter this weekend I was expecting a heavily crowded Disneyland Resort. I was pleasantly surprised with what I found. The crowds were heavier than a regular Friday but no where near as bad as the traditional holiday madness. As the day went on the crowd seemed to thin a bit, as you saw if you were following the wait times I was posting on the Geeks Blog. When I first arrived at DCA most of the big attractions were just under an hour. Over at Disneyland during the afternoon Splash Mountain crept up to the 80 minute mark but most stayed closer to an hour then they started to tail off. For example I was able to walk right onto the Haunted Mansion before sunset, same with Jungle Cruise.


Trip logs and mileage reports are in the Park Miles section.

Thoughts and Observations:

  • First stop of the day was DCA since I wanted to try and get a spin in on the Fun Wheel. The wait turned out to be only a couple cycles, better than I was expecting. Unfortunately nothing too interesting going on, no real visible testing going on at Cars Land. As you saw in the pictures Buena Vista Street is moving along quickly with the buildings all receiving details and racing toward the finish line which is now just a little over 2 months out.

  • While in line for the Fun Wheel I was reflecting on how much time I have spent in line or onboard over the past four or five years during the DCA work. Let us say the average line is 15 minutes, one cycle, plus the ride itself so probably close to 30 minutes per trip spent there. I probably averaged 30 trips a year, I am sure over but this made the math easier. So that is 15 hours. Out of the five years probably did this for four of them (remember the wheel was closed for a while for its transformation). So that is approx 60 hours or two and a half days. Scared to think how many pictures that translated into. One of the things I am looking forward to once the construction ends is not going on the wheel for a while!

  • I have received some questions on my thoughts about the Red Car wires/cables that are being installed along Buena Vista Street, Hollywood and Sunset Blvds. I am withholding any real opinions on them until the work is complete. I think it is unfair to look at a partially completed project. I do think they look different in person than they do in the pictures. The pictures make them stand out a lot more, or at least to me they do. Also on first glance I like the ones near the Carthay that are on the pole and one side of the street better than those on the Blvds. They look cleaner and more interesting to me so far. Looking forward to seeing the final product and how it all works/looks.

  • Nothing too noteworthy to see at Cars Land. Most of the work has shifted to finishing details and interiors. In the evening most of the neon was on, which was great to see. Here is a video of Sarges sign from the Blue Sky Cellar Patio as well as ground level in case you missed it in the update:

  • Over at Disneyland was pleased to see two Monorails in operation this afternoon so there was a minimal wait. The CM in charge of the platform had guests loading through gate 5 only the first time through. I think they may have been short handed or something. All I know is it really delay things in Tomorrowland. The second time around they were not doing this.

  • I spent some time in the Grand Californian as well as Disneyland Hotel. This was the first time I could remember seeing the guitar player in the Grand Lobby. Usually I run into the piano player or a storyteller. There was a decent audience gathered around the fireplace to listen to him.

  • While taking a picture of the wait times at Disneyland I talked to the guest relations cast member and she asked if I had given the Otto service a try. I had not... this is a new automated response line the Disneyland Resort has. You can call and ask Otto questions and the system will give you answers such as show times, general info, etc.. Here is the card in case you missed my blog posting/tweet on it:

  • I was really surprised to be able to walk right onto the Jungle Cruise and Haunted Mansion. One interesting note in the Haunted Mansion. There were a good half dozen or so doombuggies out of commission. The CM said they had audio problems so they were all skipped.

  • Walked through ElecTRONica since it may be my last visit before it closes on the 15th. There was a healthy crowd, but it seemed to skew slightly younger than previous weeks. Guessing more tourists and less locals with annual passes since most were blocked out Friday. Caught the first Dance Crew competition of the evening, it had an ok crowd, but many that I overheard stopped because they saw something going on, they had not planned nor knew anything about it. Also being out on Hollywood Blvd when most of ElecTRONica now takes place in the back portion makes it a bit awkward. If you want to see the Dance Crews from Friday or my previous visit check out my YouTube Channel.

  • Nothing to report in the time schedule except that the night time entertainment has been shifted to the later/summer times.. World of Color at 9:00 and 10:15, Fantasmic at 9:00 and 10:30 and Remember at 9:30.

  • For those of you who miss the Easter Parade at Walt Disney World (it seems like it has been a long time since it last aired).. Jeff Lange & Denise have this video from this past weekend at the Magic Kingdom:

  • I continued to test and evaluate a new method of posting images as I roamed the park. I am now posting directly to the Geeks Blog So those of you who do not use twitter or follow us, you can see the images too. Any thoughts? Is this better/worse/the same as the way I was posting before? If you were not aware as I roam the parks I post some thoughts/pictures throughout the visit. So follow me @disneygeekcom

Interesting Web Finds/Notes:
Below are some interesting links, notes, and rumors I found/stumble across/or have been informed of since the last Geekspeaks column.

Be sure to check out the picture update that goes with this Geekspeak column, it can be found in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

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