home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Friday, January 27, 2012 - Page 14 of 98 - << previous page : next page >>
A look out the window.  We had a standard view that overlooked the front entrance of the hotel.  Looking straight down you can see the fountains.
A look out the window. We had a standard view that overlooked the front entrance of the hotel. Looking straight down you can see the fountains. Click to switch to large image view
We almost looked right down the entrance driveway.  In the distance you can see the Mickey and Friends parking structure.
We almost looked right down the entrance driveway. In the distance you can see the Mickey and Friends parking structure. Click to switch to large image view
To the right is Disneyland.  Would have had a great view of the fireworks.
To the right is Disneyland. Would have had a great view of the fireworks. Click to switch to large image view