home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Saturday, July 23, 2011 - Page 15 of 63 - << previous page : next page >>
Hard to see what is going on with the Carthay, but it appears more of the framing for the exterior was going up behind the tarps.
Hard to see what is going on with the Carthay, but it appears more of the framing for the exterior was going up behind the tarps. Click to switch to large image view
Some of the tarp is down and looks like the Condor Flats sign got a new coat of paint.  Guess that means it is staying for a while.
Some of the tarp is down and looks like the Condor Flats sign got a new coat of paint. Guess that means it is staying for a while. Click to switch to large image view
Click to switch to large image view