home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Friday, January 14, 2011 - Page 79 of 102 - << previous page : next page >>
Speaking of the Flag Retreat this past Wednesday they had a special one honoring a Silver Star and Medal of Honor Recipient.  Check it out in the Guest Update section.  Also I posted video to the Youtube channel.
Speaking of the Flag Retreat this past Wednesday they had a special one honoring a Silver Star and Medal of Honor Recipient. Check it out in the Guest Update section. Also I posted video to the Youtube channel. Click to switch to large image view
The Disneyland Band was not part of the ceremony tonight.  Just the Dapper Dans.
The Disneyland Band was not part of the ceremony tonight. Just the Dapper Dans. Click to switch to large image view
I had not seen this Star Wars backpack (just the Yoda ones).  Seems rather large for a rather small carrying capacity.
I had not seen this Star Wars backpack (just the Yoda ones). Seems rather large for a rather small carrying capacity. Click to switch to large image view