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Visit Date: 01/30/10
Steps: 26,196
Parks Miles: 9.9
Time in Parks: 9


Trip Log:

Started off this great Saturday parking in the garage and then hiking over to the parks since there seemed to be a couple tram wait. We first headed for DCA and out to the Pier to check on the construction progress. Worked our way around the Pier, stopped by Toy Story but the 40 minute wait was more than we wanted to deal with. The Fun Wheel had a 5 minute wait only (2 cars in front of us only) so we went for a spin next. Then worked our way around to the SS Rustworthy and the Zephyr before we decided to head for Condor Flats and lunch at Taste Pilots. After lunch wandered down the Backlot and stopped by the Muppets. After the film we ended up stopping to see Aladdin then walked into Bugsland. Went for a ride on the bumper cars and then headed for Disneyland. Roamed down Main Street and into Tomorrowland. Grabbed a Fastpass for Buzz then went to check out the Captain E-O progress. After taking some pictures headed over to Adventureland and then out to look at the Rivers progress. Hopped on the Disneyland Railroad for a grand circle tour of the park. Once back we stopped by Critter Country and went for a ride on Pooh then hiked back to Main Street for the Flag Retreat. After the ceremony we headed over to DCA to catch the Pixar Play Parade from the Sunshine Plaza then it was back to Disneyland for dinner. Some grabbed a corn dog, others chili, and we met up at the Riverbelle Terrace area. After dinner we walked through Frontierland, the Castle, and Fantasyland to the Small World Mall area to watch the Voluntears Cavalcade. After the pre-parade we went for a cruise on Small World and then hiked through the park and over to DCA (with a quick stop at the Main Street Cinema). Headed out to the Pier to check if there was any World of Color testing going on (there was nothing exciting happening) and then the Toy Story wait (still 40 minutes so we skipped it). We finished our loop and headed back to Disneyland. Wandered down Main Street and into Tomorrowland to use our Buzz Fastpasses. Then stopped by the Tomorrowland Terrace to catch some of the Rumble Kings. Decided to go for a spin on Autopia since it was only a 10 minute wait then strolled back to Main Street. We decided to call it a night and headed out of the park and hiked back to the garage.

Other Interesting Stats:
* Moderate Walking Stats (meaning over 2.5mph): 20,056 steps, 178 minutes.

For Comparisons to other trips or more park miles click here to visit our park Miles Section.

Note: These totals may be skewed because the pedometer is zero'd when we start and then left alone and read when we leave. So attractions, and other things may cause extra "steps" to be counted. The pedometer that we use basically measures up/down motion as a step, so if your standing in line and moving up and down it may be counting steps, etc.. so the total distances traveled and steps may be off.. so use these as rough distance comparisons between trips and they may not be accurate in terms of actual distance traveled.

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My Thoughts & Observations:

Hello all,

I made a rare weekend visit to the Disneyland Resort.. I was pleasantly surprised by how peaceful (read un crowded) the parks were. I thought with the mild weather there would be a heavier crowd. The wait times for most attractions at DCA were under 20 minutes except for Toy Story which was at 40 the couple times we past it. At Disneyland a couple of the e-tickets crept up to the hour mark but most were well under most of the day.


Trip logs and mileage reports are in the Park Miles section.

Disneyland & DCA Thoughts and Observations:

  • Parking was easy again, I am guessing since it was a light crowd the garage was the primary spot and people were not sent to the far lots.. I did not hear anyone complaining this time around either.

  • As you saw in the pictorial update the Silly Symphony Swings are taking shape with the installation of the ride itself. The ride is basically the same as before but with a different graphics package on it. I am going to wait to comment until I see how it looks/feels with the queue structure, its a little unfair to judge based on a partial installation. One note is I was surprised at how small Mickey was on top. I was expecting something a little larger. I do like the panels around the top, I am guessing once it rotates you get the effect of a flipbook/moving image.

  • We stopped by the Muppets film, first time in quite a while and the image looked clean/clear/crisp to me compared to the WDW version I saw a few months ago.. Also decided to take in the Aladdin show to see what was going on (and to try and get a peak over the construction walls a bit). After seeing the show both the Lazygeek and myself agreed that it was time for something new. Its a great show but its just been there so long we were ready to see something new. It will be interesting to see how the Toy Story show works in there. I was really hoping for something more along the lines of the Blast! show.. I really enjoyed that and thought it was something different to see in the parks.

  • We had the Lazygeeks two and a half year old with us and we were too lazy to bring the stroller onboard the train so we ended up making the grand circle tour, first time in quite a while I had done that.. usually I just go a couple stops and use the train as a transportation device.. the short distance between stops and the number of stops really stood out, compared to WDW.

  • We caught the Volunteers Cavalcade out near Small World, then went for a ride on Small World and walked to Main Street afterwards and still managed to see some of the Street Party from the hub.. it just seems odd how far in advance the pre-parade is due to the two fifteen minute stops for the Street Party before it reaches the Small World Mall. So if you are out at the mall waiting for the parade you see the pre parade about a half hour before the parade/street party reaches you. Keep this in mind if you are out there and want to see the Muppets.

  • Speaking of Small World, as you saw it is back from its holiday transformation. The regular show is running and no changes jumped out to me on our ride through. Seems it was just a quick transformation.

  • Starting this Friday (and running through September) there will be a new show in New Orleans Square called Tianas Mardi Gras Celebration. No schedule is posted on the Disneyland.com website but thought I would let anyone heading to the park know.. wonder if the showboat jubilee has a chance of returning for the summer, that would be great to see, the show seemed to be enjoyed by most who saw it.

  • Interesting Web Finds/Notes:
    In this section of the Geekspeaks column I will include links, notes, and rumors I find/stumble across/or have been informed of.

Be sure to check out the picture update that goes with this Geekspeak column, it can be found in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

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