home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Friday September 7, 2007 - Page 30 of 46 - << previous page : next page >>
I found an interesting thing on the Toy Story banners, if you look in the bottom right corner you find the copyright notices
I found an interesting thing on the Toy Story banners, if you look in the bottom right corner you find the copyright notices 09.07.07
And here is what it has, Disney then Disney-Pixar... that seemed odd since its the same company now also having Disney on there twice.
And here is what it has, Disney then Disney-Pixar... that seemed odd since its the same company now also having Disney on there twice. 09.07.07
A safety recall notice for the Mattel toys (these were part of the lead recall from China
A safety recall notice for the Mattel toys (these were part of the lead recall from China 09.07.07