home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Friday January 23, 2004 - Page 30 of 33 - << previous page : next page >>
Turnstyles at the Animation Building... couldn't they have used a laser or something, these look terrible there. Or maybe hid them further into the entrance.
Turnstyles at the Animation Building... couldn't they have used a laser or something, these look terrible there. Or maybe hid them further into the entrance. 01.23.04
Hmm.. something missing (its a light pole that is down and the crate is coving the base.
Hmm.. something missing (its a light pole that is down and the crate is coving the base. 01.23.04
The Timon lot later in the day from the Sun Wheel.
The Timon lot later in the day from the Sun Wheel. 01.23.04