home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > September 14, 2001 - Page 9 of 24 - << previous page : next page >>
We tried to get high enough to peek in, but we could not tell anything except the planters look like they are being replaced.
We tried to get high enough to peek in, but we could not tell anything except the planters look like they are being replaced. 09.14.01
Fantasmic is also down for Rehab and the front part of Tom Sawyer Island is closed, the Fort area and the rest of the island are open though.
Fantasmic is also down for Rehab and the front part of Tom Sawyer Island is closed, the Fort area and the rest of the island are open though. 09.14.01
The walkway through Fantasyland is closed off too. Hopefully they are redoing the pavement. It really needs it and it would be great to get the themed pavement like the other lands of the park have gotten in recent years.
The walkway through Fantasyland is closed off too. Hopefully they are redoing the pavement. It really needs it and it would be great to get the themed pavement like the other lands of the park have gotten in recent years. 09.14.01