home > Flashback > Thursday, May 23, 2013 - Page 14 of 82 - << previous page : next page >>
If you look up as your roam around the parks you will see safety lines and barriers on several rooftops.  Here you can just barely see one on the Golden Horseshoe (I did not have time to go for a Mark Twain ride to get a better picture)
If you look up as your roam around the parks you will see safety lines and barriers on several rooftops. Here you can just barely see one on the Golden Horseshoe (I did not have time to go for a Mark Twain ride to get a better picture) Click to switch to large image view
Scaffolding going up on the Big Thunder load/unload building.
Scaffolding going up on the Big Thunder load/unload building. Click to switch to large image view
From ground level could not really see much else.
From ground level could not really see much else. Click to switch to large image view