home > Disneyland Resort > Crowd Shots > Primetime Weekend - August 2002 - Page 4 of 7 - << previous page : next page >>
Taken - Saturday 8/24 - 10:39am - We have our tickets and the line still goes on...
Taken - Saturday 8/24 - 10:39am - We have our tickets and the line still goes on... 08.24.02
Taken - Saturday 8/24 - 11:47am - Swung back by later and it was still going...
Taken - Saturday 8/24 - 11:47am - Swung back by later and it was still going... 08.24.02
Taken - Saturday 8/24 - 11:48am - Not very busy back here.
Taken - Saturday 8/24 - 11:48am - Not very busy back here. 08.24.02