home > D Geek's Travels > Pictures > Tuesday, August 31, 2010

This page is to help you quickly jump through this picture set. Below you will see a listing of the pages and the captions on that page.

  • Page Number: 1
    We start off the day at Pearl Harbor.
    Heading into the visitor center. (Since it is a national historic site no entrance fee for the boat ride out to the memorial).
    Due to the visitor center being rebuilt they are playing a brief film in an outdoor theater.
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    Looking out toward the memorial (across the harbor) from the movie theater.
    Looking across the harbor there was a large radar rig in for some servicing. The bus driver said this was from the Bering Sea
    The Missouri sits right next to the Arizona Memorial across the harbor.
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    Movie time.. it was hard to see and if my memory is correct is the same film they used to show inside. Wonder if the new center will have a new/updated film.
    For you history buffs this is an interesting shot. The start of the war (the Arizona) is on the right and the end of the war (the Missouri) is on the left.
    The small garden area we exited out into features a memorial to the submarine fleet (that is the Bowfin in the background)
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    A closer look.
    Turning around.
  • Page Number: 5
    Heading out to the launch area. The new visitor center is going up behind the fence.
    Another set of plaques this time for those who were on the ships and died during the attack.
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    A closer look.
    Here comes our launch to get out to the memorial.
    For those not familiar with how this works, you pick up a ticket and it has a time for your launch. You line up and get a ride out. You then have free time to roam the memorial until the next launch shows up to take you back.
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    A Navy ship docked nearby, this is still an active port/base.
    The have the moorings painted so you can see where the battleships were lined up on the morning of the attack.
  • Page Number: 8
    A great shot of the Missouri as we approached the memorial.
    No photography is allowed on the walkway (to keep everything moving and for safety)
    Once inside you can. Here is a look as you first enter. On the left is the return line and the Missouri beyond it. Under us is the remains of the Arizona.
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    Once the swap of the boatloads of people are done it thins out a bit.
    One of the gun turrets from the Arizona.
    A closer look
  • Page Number: 10
    Looking back at the visitor center.
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    Making my way over to the other side you get a great view of the Missouri.
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    And more of the Arizona lies below.
    Oil/fuel is still seeping up.
    Back to the inland side. Aloha Stadium where I will be in a couple days to watch USC vs Hawaii.
  • Page Number: 13
    Heading further back in the memorial and looking at where we came. There is also a hole to look down.
    The water was a little too choppy to see much.
    The back of the memorial features a listing of the names of the men who died onboard.
  • Page Number: 14
    To help you visualize there is a map of where the memorial lies on the sunken ship.
  • Page Number: 15
    Another shot of the oil/fuel.
    The Navy ship was heading out.
  • Page Number: 16
    Our launch has returned.
    Heading back.
    As we approached the dock here are some shots of the Visitor Center work. They say it will be done by the anniversary in December and thought it was this December...
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  • Page Number: 18
    Next stop the Pacific Aviation Museum on Ford Island. This is located in a couple of hangers on the airfield. First stop a movie presentation after the ticket area (this you have to pay for).
    A hallway leading to the main hanger.
  • Page Number: 19
    Once inside there were several scenes set up featuring vintage aircraft.
    Each one featured a plaque with the story and info on the plane.
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    Missed the sign for the B-25 shown on the last page and it is the centerpiece of the museum.
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    The far side has a simulator you can try out (for an additional fee)
  • Page Number: 24
    This unassuming plane has a great story.. more on it in a couple shots.
    A briefing room to learn about Doolittle
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  • Page Number: 26
    OK back to this plane..
    This happened to be a plan the first president Bush flew during some training. They had reprints of the log book.
  • Page Number: 27
    On the way out a gift shop and food counter.
    A map of the hanger.
  • Page Number: 28
    Outside there is an F-14 and the old control tower to look at.
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    The front door (I had some time to kill waiting for the bus)
  • Page Number: 30
    Speaking of the bus, now they use charter buses to take you out to Ford Island (last time they used a trolley looking bus).
    Next stop on our island drive was the Dole Plantation.. stopped for a Dole whip.
    A map of what is offered (for free you get the gift shop and food area.. the Maze, Garden, and Train all cost a fee).
  • Page Number: 31
    Some of the fees.
    The rally monkey was on vacation?
  • Page Number: 32
    Back in the car as we continued toward the North shore.
    Saw a lot of road like this.. two lanes...
    There was a fire out in the distance.
  • Page Number: 33
    All around fields of pineapple
    Some harvesting going on.
    Not bad from a moving car...
  • Page Number: 34
    Made it around to the coast.
    Stopped at Waimea Valley and was greeted by this bird.
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    Of course a fee to hike up to the falls (we skipped it).
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    Some random shots as I roamed the visitor area.
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    Back to the road we go..
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    Some of the sites if you look at the inland side.
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    Quite a few roadside food locations.
    One of the nicer looking McDonalds I have seen.
    The Polynesian Cultural Center (we did not stop)
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  • Page Number: 42
    The seas were a little choppier on this side of the Island.
    Heading back toward Waikiki we headed through the mountains.
  • Page Number: 43
    Back to the resort.
    A band and dancers near the hotel.
    An interesting entertainer along the street.
  • Page Number: 44
    Another Stupid Factory.. guess they make a lot of it out here. This one at the International Marketplace
  • Page Number: 45
    On the way back walked by the Army Museum which was right next to the hotel
  • Page Number: 46
    Fort Derussy
  • Page Number: 47
    From our room looking down.. they were conducting a interview on ESPN radio with the Hawaii head coach from the restaurant in our hotel.
    Also some live entertainment poolside.
  • Page Number: 48
    To close with a couple wide shots.

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