05.26.07 - The walls are now all completely gone
The walls are now all completely gone 05.26.07
05.26.07 - As we are only 16 days from opening
As we are only 16 days from opening 05.26.07
05.26.07 - A look around the queue area, its not that big, or interesting...
A look around the queue area, its not that big, or interesting... 05.26.07
05.26.07 - They were working on a handful of subs parked off to the side
They were working on a handful of subs parked off to the side 05.26.07
05.26.07 -
05.26.07 -
05.26.07 -
05.26.07 - I believe this is the bridge to get across when no sub is in port.  This looks to be what I saw laid out last trip.
I believe this is the bridge to get across when no sub is in port. This looks to be what I saw laid out last trip. 05.26.07
05.26.07 - The wheelchair accessible show
The wheelchair accessible show 05.26.07
05.26.07 -
05.26.07 -
05.26.07 - Guess this is just a cover on something.
Guess this is just a cover on something. 05.26.07
05.26.07 - Some of the landscaping along the Autopia track
Some of the landscaping along the Autopia track 05.26.07
05.26.07 - Now that all the walls are down you can get a great view from the Monorail queue
Now that all the walls are down you can get a great view from the Monorail queue 05.26.07
05.26.07 - The falls were off Saturday morning
The falls were off Saturday morning 05.26.07
05.26.07 -
05.26.07 - Here you can see them working on the boats in port.
Here you can see them working on the boats in port. 05.26.07
05.26.07 -
05.26.07 - A look down into the water along the dock area
A look down into the water along the dock area 05.26.07
05.26.07 - Looking back down the queue (there was no one around since the park had just opened)
Looking back down the queue (there was no one around since the park had just opened) 05.26.07
05.26.07 - A look into the engine room of one of the subs, looks to be batteries stacked along the walls now
A look into the engine room of one of the subs, looks to be batteries stacked along the walls now 05.26.07
05.26.07 -
05.26.07 - One of the attraction control consoles
One of the attraction control consoles 05.26.07
05.26.07 -
05.26.07 - Looking out into the lagoon
Looking out into the lagoon 05.26.07
05.26.07 - And down the Monorail exit ramp
And down the Monorail exit ramp 05.26.07
05.26.07 - Here you can see where that pipe goes into the ground
Here you can see where that pipe goes into the ground 05.26.07
05.26.07 - The waters were calm this morning
The waters were calm this morning 05.26.07
05.26.07 - One of the rocks near the monorail exit was partially open
One of the rocks near the monorail exit was partially open 05.26.07
05.26.07 - Speaking of rocks the patchwork is complete on the far side of the lagoon, notice how it all blends in now
Speaking of rocks the patchwork is complete on the far side of the lagoon, notice how it all blends in now 05.26.07
05.26.07 - I just liked this shot.. this is later in the day and they were cycling three subs again, just like last trip
I just liked this shot.. this is later in the day and they were cycling three subs again, just like last trip 05.26.07
05.26.07 -
05.26.07 - The rockwork out by the sea gulls has been fixed
The rockwork out by the sea gulls has been fixed 05.26.07
05.26.07 -
05.26.07 - Some of the plants by the queue
Some of the plants by the queue 05.26.07
05.26.07 - Noticed something was removed or just not added yet here, notice the bolts coming out of the concrete
Noticed something was removed or just not added yet here, notice the bolts coming out of the concrete 05.26.07
05.26.07 - A little bit later still.. just the three cycling.
A little bit later still.. just the three cycling. 05.26.07
05.26.07 -
05.26.07 - They finished the touch up work on the sub on the left and removed the cover from the front (go back a page to see what it looked like before)
They finished the touch up work on the sub on the left and removed the cover from the front (go back a page to see what it looked like before) 05.26.07
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