03.10.10 - From across the bay you can tell the railings are in and some painting has taken place
From across the bay you can tell the railings are in and some painting has taken place 03.10.10
03.10.10 -
03.10.10 -
03.10.10 - A look at the railings from near the Fun Wheel
A look at the railings from near the Fun Wheel 03.10.10
03.10.10 - The structure is slowly taking shape
The structure is slowly taking shape 03.10.10
03.10.10 -
03.10.10 - From above
From above 03.10.10
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03.10.10 -
03.10.10 - Here you can see the painted (foreground) vs original items.  Wondere if that is the final color or just a primer
Here you can see the painted (foreground) vs original items. Wondere if that is the final color or just a primer 03.10.10
03.10.10 -
03.10.10 -
03.10.10 - From the SS Rustworthy.  There is now a tree directly in the way.  I liked how it appears to be topped off so you can just see the top of the swings.
From the SS Rustworthy. There is now a tree directly in the way. I liked how it appears to be topped off so you can just see the top of the swings. 03.10.10
03.10.10 - Not much visible progress here
Not much visible progress here 03.10.10
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03.10.10 -
03.10.10 - A good shot of the new railings.  The brass appears to have been covered in blue tape for painting.
A good shot of the new railings. The brass appears to have been covered in blue tape for painting. 03.10.10
03.10.10 -
03.10.10 -
03.10.10 - One last shot from above.
One last shot from above. 03.10.10
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