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10/15/02 The disneygeeks two year Anniversary
 The Geek Speaks:

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10/15/02 The disneygeeks two year Anniversary

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Wow… its hard to believe this site has been online for two years now under the disneygeek name. It seems like only yesterday I was sitting in my dorm room experimenting with this thing called the world wide web, that was the fall of 1994, or the dawn of internet creation. The original site was called Jason’s Disney Facts and Opinions, it was optimized for Mosaic (well not really optimized because it was the only graphical browser in town at the time, but it was “lightyears” ahead of the text browsers like linkx) and was around 100 pages in size (back then that was considered huge) and it contained only a couple images. Here we are 8 years later and the web has caught on unbelievably and our site has continued to evolve and grow with the times. As with the Disney theme parks websites are always evolving and changing. In the past year we have passed several milestones here at disneygeek. The biggest change occurred over the summer when we added a second domain (disneygeek.net to go along with our original disneygeek.com). We are now hosted on two different servers and have much more disk space available to share more pictures and columns with you. Over the past year we have also added several new columnists to the site to try to provide different takes on the parks and more reports of what is going on. We have also worked on expanding our regular picture updates to include even more shots than the old ones. The future holds many more changes for disneygeek. The most noticeable one will be a new look. We will be upgrading the look of the site over the next several weeks, bringing updated sections online everyweek. In the coming year we will be watching and reporting on the changes around the Disneyland resort regularly. We are also planning a trip or two down to Walt Disney World to see what is going on there.

I want to take a minute to thank all of you who visit the site. I hope that we continue to provide an entertaining and informational site that you want to come back to. We are extremely proud and sometimes amazed by the number of individuals who visit the site and the number of hits we have been receiving. Its great to know how much you enjoy the site. By the way we do read and respond to almost all the emails we receive, sometimes its slow, but we do respond. The biggest complaint we have received over the last year was the pop up ads and how they were annoying you beyond belief. In response to this we have switched ad servers and now we have much better control over the ads. You should not receive more than one pop up and on invue ad per visit to the site. If you are receiving more than this, please let us know and we will try to figure out what is wrong.

Thank you again for visiting disneygeek.com. Without you the site could not survive. I would also like to thank all the people who have contributed writings, pictures, and emails to the site. I think the success of the site is due to this community approach. I look forward to watching the Disney parks evolve with you.


the disneygeek@disneygeek.com

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