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08/17/02 ESPN Zone & Angels Game
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08/17/02 ESPN Zone & Angels Game

Saturday I went down to Downtown Disney and then over to the Big A (well I guess Edison Field) to watch the Angels vs. Indians game. Really a no loose for me. My home town against my adopted home down of Anaheim, well more like Company Disney.

  • When we first arrived at Downtown Disney there was a wedding party pulled up out front of ESPN and Rainforest in a large stretched Navigator. This seemed weird to me. I would think they would be by the hotels. Guess they must have been in one of the restaurants.
  • ESPN had a decent size crowd. We requested a booth and it was about a 40 minute wait. I really wish you could leave the building with the pagers.
  • Spent some time upstairs with the games. I never realized how over priced they really are. For example for $10 you get 40 points. It costs 8 points to play air hockey. And at that its only best to 5 points, not even 7. So that's $2 to play air hockey. Seems really high to me. I remember when I used to complain that it was 50 cents to play.
  • ESPN was great as usual. Good sports, good food, great environment. Seems like they have raised prices again. I remember when they first opened for under $9 you could get a hamburger, fries and a side. Now its over $9 and you just get the burger and fries.
  • Walked around Downtown Disney for a bit. Was really glad to see a lot of entertainment out and about. The acrobats from DCA were out too, first time I saw them there.
  • Took a stroll through the Grand Californian. We were out back, during the 5:45 concert, the Four Tops. I was really surprised by how loud it was. You could sit by the pool and hear the concert perfectly. There were quite a few people out watching and listening.
  • Next up was the baseball game. It was very entertaining. The Angels really blew it, but at least I got to see Thome hit a home run....
  • I caught the Disneyland fireworks from the stadium. It was really interesting seeing them from that distance and perspective. The Castle seemed so far away from where the fireworks were going off.
  • Tower is really starting to rise. I could see it from the freeway quite easily, even at night with no lights on it.

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