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Mail Call

Hello everyone,

Thanks for those who have written in. Below are some of the more interesting emails we have gotten and our replies. Enjoy.

Joe Writes: I have heard rumors of the WDW parks offering extended hours of operation for resort guests in the evenings in addition to the mornings. Is this true?

Geek's Reply:Yes it is, there will be a test program in a few weeks. The Extra Hours at the parks will be tested out May 9-22. Check out http://www.disneyworld.com/extramagic for more details.

Dave Writes: My family and I were in the Parade of Stars on Friday Feb. 13, 2004 in the afternoon and we are wondering if there is any way of finding out if anyone has pictures.
Your help in any way would be greatly appreciated.

Geek's Reply: Dave, I will post this to the site and see if anyone was there and has picture? So can anyone help him out?

Ryan writes: I don't know if you even care about them anymore since they have been gone for so long from DCA, but the "Rug People" you refer that appeared in DCA were actually called "Three Bags Full." Just an FYI

Geek's Reply: Thanks for their proper name. I have updated the page. Click Here to Visit

On a related note I updated the Fantasyland page to reflect the Fantasyland Theater shows over the years. If you know the names and dates of any shows I missed please pass them along to me. Click Here

Mike Writes: Dude, you have more fuzzy pictures than any Disney website out there. Can't you preview your pics when you take them?
Also, how many pictures did you have to take of a closed restaurant? We get it! It's closed! Move on.

Geek's Reply: Thanks for visiting and taking the time to drop us a line. We are aware of the increase in the number of "fuzzy" shots in our updates. This last update had about eleven out of one hundred and five a whopping 10.47%. These are happening more often recently for a couple of reasons. The first being we have switched to a new camera and are still working out the bugs on the proper settings.. the second being our choice to put some in rather than none on a few topics. For example the last shot of the Mark Twain rounding the bend. We took about a half dozen and due to our angle/movement/etc they were all bad. Yes we could have left it out, but we have gotten questions about whether its back or not, so we made the decision to run with it. Yes we could have gone to our archive and taken a "perfect" Mark Twain shot but that would not be right either. So we ended up with a blurry shot, but it got the point of the picture across.. where as other pictures are meant to show more detail. As for the restaurant shots, I am guessing your referring to the Lucky Fortune Cookie.. yeah six or so shots was a high number, but it did draw our interest as to how it was scrubbed clean recently. Of course this is a matter of opinion too.. in the last update I had several emails point out the high number of City Hall shots from the various angles and then we had other emails saying how they appreciated all the shots that it made them feel as if they are there. So it really does come down to a personal preference and hopefully the site has enough shots to accomplish the goal, which is to entertain and bring a taste of a Disneyland Trip to the web, for both the disneygeeks out there and the first time guest.


Thanks again everyone for your comments and questions. Remember you can also write us and other disneygeeks in our disneygeek forum

Send comments, questions, any other email to: disneygeek@disneygeek.com




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