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Mail Call


Time for another mailbag.. as always we would like to thank everyone for dropping us a line. Always great to know what you think of the Site, Disney, anything.. our goal is to someday average as much real email as spam... one can dream... The past few weeks we have received several emails requesting wallpapers or pictures for the by-request section. We really appreciate all your requests and we are working on fulfilling them.

Doug Writes: The shot of the missing cars was from the Ladybug boogie? Any idea if there getting rid of it? It didn't show up on the refurb schedule. We're going to be there in February, and my six year old son will be EXTREMELY disappointed if that ride is gone,considering I went last October and came back and told him all about it and now it's the major thing he want to see at California Adventure(oops!). Thanks again for the great updates. I have a "trivia" question for you. Does the DL/Anaheim area everexperience any of the earthquakes that California gets?


Geeks Reply: Doug, thanks for writing. I have no real idea when they will be back, but I think its safe to say they will be back by February. I remember seeing them listed on the refurb list several weeks ago.. and it seemed only for a week or two, but on visiting the park back then it was still open. As for your second question. Yes Disneyland does experience earthquakes like the rest of Southern California. As far as I know they are not directly on a major fault line, probably a minor one though (it seems like everything is on a fault out here.). I have never felt an earthquake at Disneyland and I would think with all the distractions/noise/movement it would be hard to notice one unless it was "the big one".

I love the tv listing section, but I always seem to look at it a day or two after a show I wanted to watch has occurred. Is there a regular date/day of the week/etc. I could set a reminder for so I could check this site right after you update the TV listings?

Geek Reply: We try to get the TV listings up near the beginning of the week. Usually Monday or Tuesday. It really depends on when we receive the information and when the next available slot is. Occassionally we do not post a link on the front page (this usually happens when there is a Disneyland update and nothing new in the TV listings), we do update the TV page though.

Leon writes: Do you have any statistics on what percent of Americans have visited Disneyland/Disneyworld? Its supposed to be about 70% but I can't find any proof of this.

Geeks Reply: Leon, I remember reading something about this once upon a time, but I do not know. Does anyone out there have a source?

Vanessa writes: Do you provide statistics on the amount of people that visit Walt Disney World or Disneyland daily/monthly/yearly? Your statistics section do not provide this information. Thanks.

Geeks Reply: I do not keep those statistics since Disney no longer releases them to the public. I found a site that has the 2002 numbers. The URL is: http://www.csus.edu/indiv/s/shawg/extra/topparks2002.html These are worldwide rankings and Disneyparks hold 9 of the top 18 spots and all 5 of the top 5. The sad thing is Sea World can beat DCA...

Thanks again everyone for your comments and questions. Remember you can also write us and other disneygeeks in our disneygeek forum

Send comments, questions, any other email to: disneygeek@disneygeek.com




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