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Mail Call


Time for another mailbag.. as always we would like to thank everyone for dropping us a line. Always great to know what you think of the Site, Disney, anything.. our goal is to someday average as much real email as spam... one can dream...

Rob writes: You may already have this, If not I understand the sign arrived on the 2nd looks pretty good. Thanks again for your time on this sight

Rob, thanks for the great shot. We have not been to the park in the past week. Always nice to see what's happening.

Joe writes in sharing an interesting link. MSN had a listing of Quirky hotels. Disney's Animal Kingdom Lodge made the list.
Click Here to View

Pete writees in: Do you know how disney feels about people bringing food into the park? We were thinking of getting season
passes because we live just two hours away, but we don't want to spend tons of money on food every time we go. Do you have any suggestions?

As for your food question. The stated policy is no food or drink brought into the parks. They are somewhat lax on this especially if you have small kids. They understand snacks or goodies for the kids, but not meals for the whole family. The main thing to stay away from is glass bottles of any type.

Everyone knows about Disney's high prices. Here are a couple ways to save some $$:

1) Bring a cooler and leave it in the car(or in a lockey outside the park). When its time eat go grab it and either eat at the picnic area or out at Downtown Disney.

2) If you don't mind fast food there is a McDs right across the street (about 5 minute walk from in the park).

3) White Water Snacks at the Grand Californian is a little less costly than the parks.

4) Take a look at childrens meals.. usually they have some decent deals. For example at White Water Snacks they have a childrens hotdog (adults is a foot long, kids is probably about 10in), fries and drink for under $5 and you can use an AP discount there.

5) Another trick I use is stopping to eat on the way in or the way out. Off ball road there is just about every fastfood place imaginable within a 5 minute drive of the park.

Thanks again everyone for your comments and questions. Remember you can also write us and other disneygeeks in our disneygeek forum

Send comments, questions, any other email to: disneygeek@disneygeek.com




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