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Mail Call

Hello everyone,

We have been "slacking" on our end and not getting the mailbag up. We have gotten some really good questions over the past few weeks and wanted to pass along some insites. Again we want to thank everyone for writing and we really do appreciate your thoughts, questions, and comments. Keep them commin'

Mory Writes: I was wondering how large the parking garage is. We were there 2/17/04 with our grand children and it looked to me to be about 1/4 mile by 1/4 mile in size. I know it seemed that large carring our grandson.

Geek's Reply: Thanks for your question and visiting our site. Your estimate is fairly close to what we got. I had a pedometer on once and it was approx .24 miles on a slant from the far corner to the escalator. According to an original cast speil I heard a couple years ago: "The Mickey & Friends parking garage is the second largest in the world holding just over 10,000 cars. The largest is at Tokyo Disneyland and it holds over 12,000 cars. According to a recent tram CM each space cost approximately $10,000 to build. Also you could fit two aircraft carries side by side in the structure."

Click here for an enlargementJacob Writes: Hi I love your site and I was just looking at your dlr update and saw the shots out of the monorail. I might just be seeing things but it looked like the walkways in the tram area had black stripes instead of yellow and I also saw a tarp. Are they repainting that area?

Geek's Reply: Click on the image to the right to see the picture in discussion. This is the way bus/tram stop by Harbor Blvd has looked for a while now. The "tarp" is the cover over the waiting area.

JP Writes: I'm so your random facts page and am trying to find the book that you cited: "Facts are from: WDW Stats (1995) From Special Edition Eyes and Ears and from Chris Raimando". Do you know were I could find it.

Geek's Reply: Actually those facts were generated from those three sources:

WDW Stats (1995) - was a fact sheet sent to me when I requeseted information from Disney.
Special Edition Eyes and Ears - Was a special edition of the WDW cast newsletter (Eyes and Ears)
Chris Raimando - was a disney fan who sent me a bunch of interesting facts to our original site (Jason's Disney Facts and Opinions)

Steve from the United Kingdom Writes:
Just a note to thank you once again for your brilliant updates on Disneyland. It's really appreciated.
Anaheim seems a long way from the frosty United Kingdom at times.
Cheers for keeping us Disney Brits up to date.
Take care:)

Geek's Reply: Steve thanks for writing and great to hear we have an international audience...

Holly Writes: Hi! Wewill be going to Disney in June. We have four children. We wanted to know if they still have the character breakfast? I haven't been in 21 years.

Geek's Reply: Holly, not sure which resort (WDW or Disneyland) your refering to. At Disneyland there are no character breakfasts in the parks, they are over at the hotels. In Walt Disney World you have a much wider arrays of options with breakfasts in the parks as well as the resorts.

Blake Respondes: In response to your recent mailbag item about Character Dining, there actually are two locations in the Anaheim parks that feature this in addition to those at the Hotels. At Plaza Inn on Main Street, Winnie the Pooh and friends are there for breakfast only, and at Ariel's Grotto (DCA), you can dine with Ariel, Goofy, Pluto, Minnie, Chip, and Dale for lunch and dinner. At the Disneyland Hotel, there is Goofy's Kitchen (featuring Goofy and an array of Disney characters) for all meals. Paradise Pier features PCH Grille, which has Minnie, Max, Pluto, Daisy, and others for breakfast only. Finally, Storytellers' Cafe at the Grand Californian has Chip, Dale, and Pluto for breakfast. Just thought I'd clear that up in case there was some confusion! Thanks for all the great work on the site- I'm a longtime reader and appreciate all the time you put into the site.

Geek's ReplyThanks Blake, I thought the Plaza Inn was more of an informal even and not a true character breakfast. Also thanks for the additional information on the opportunities that exist.


Thanks again everyone for your comments and questions. Remember you can also write us and other disneygeeks in our disneygeek forum

Send comments, questions, any other email to: disneygeek@disneygeek.com




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