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Mail Call


Happy New Year.. We have been getting some interesting questions and I thought I would share a few with you. As always we really appreciate your questions, comments, and feedback and we invite all to drop us a line. We do respond to every email.

Duncan(from Canada) writes: Hi there, I was just perusing your site with great interest. My family and some friends (15 in all) were visiting Innoventions last Wednesday, December 31. The second floor did indeed have a demonstration of the segways. We rode them through the course that you mentioned seeing taped out on the floor. You have to be 16 or over to ride and must sign a waiver. They were using two segways at the time we were there, it took awhile to get through the line…but it was sure worth it! We did a couple of 360 degree turns, some figure 8’s and some straight runs.

Thought you might like to know!

Duncan, thanks for the update, guess we just have bad timing. Hopefully next visit we will get to see them and experience the Segway.

Several Guests: Why doesn't your site do regular News updates and links to Disney stories and only TV listings everyweek. When do your TV listings usually come out.

These are both two questions we have gotten on a somewhat frequent basis. We do not do long news listings because there are several sites that do. We try to just highlight the major events and add our 2-cents in. In the news section we do pull some headlines from a news source. We would also recommend a great service we discovered. Google has what they call News Alerts. You give them a key word and everytime a story appears they will email you, or you can opt for a once a day email. The service is great and its free.... Google News Alerts(http://www.google.com/newsalerts)

As for the TV Listings we try and post an update to those at the beginning of each week. Usually we post it as soon as we get the information from Paul. He graciously shares the info with us each week.

We have heard from Dave over at the Extinct Attractions Club and he wanted to say thanks to our site and its guests for visiting his group and several joining. More information on this club is found in our library section.

Charles (from California) writes: Yesterday(12/29) I went to Disneyland. I arrived a little late--11:05 am. After I paid for parking, parked the vehicle, rode the tram near the ticket booth, I reached the very long line to purchase tickets for the Magic Kingdom. While in line I overheard the young lady inform her mother that the park was at capacity and closed.

I went to the information booth and verified the information. The park was closed. I was told that I could get back in line, buy a ticket to CA Adventure and that I would have stamped on our tickets a time that we could enter the Magic Kingdom. The time would be either 5 or 6 pm if CA Adventure didn't close down before we got to the ticket booth. I used my cell phone and informed by brother, who was already in the park, of our plight. We decided that we would just go home.

I felt Disneyland should have informed us before we entered the parking structure. An 8 year old boy, who sat next to us on the tram, to the now not so magical kingdom was so excited because he felt the tram was his first ride. I wonder how disappointed he must have felt and how his parents dealt with the dilemma.

In summary, I really felt cheated. I completely understand the fact that Disneyland can be sold out, I just wished we had know before we went through the trouble of parking, riding the tram then learning of its closure. It cost us an hour when we added the return to the car and work our way out to the FWY.

The Disneyland resort did experience some "full house" crowds during holiday season and the Disneyland Park had to stop selling tickets several days between Christmas and New Years. Even with this I agree, Disney should have been warning you as you were parking. I have seen reports on other Days of the signs in the garage saying so and I remember in the Past parking CM's would tell you when you pulled up to park. I would definetly drop Disney an email and let them know about your experience. I thought at the least they should have refunded your parking...

Thanks again everyone for your comments and questions. Remember you can also write us and other disneygeeks in our disneygeek forum

Send comments, questions, any other email to: disneygeek@disneygeek.com




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