home > columns > geeks mailbag >07/23/02 - Concert Series Update
Concert Series Update

In our last mailbag we posted a question about the the crowds at the Concert Series. We got a great concert report that I wanted to share with you:

MissD writes:
I have been quite excited about the "music series" at DCA. I saw Hotel California (warm up band on Friday before series started officially), The Beach Boys, The Temptations, David Cayton Thomas with Blood, Sweat & Tears, (missed the Commodores due to Block Out date) and today Herman's Hermits!

I thought you might enjoy knowing that todays concert was so much fun. I can honestly say it was a superb time. After being in a standby line (that was the longest since The Beach Boys as far as I know) we got comfortable seats(Yeah, no standing!). It was hot for the 3:30pm concert but the crowd came prepared--hats, suntan lotion (you could smell cocoa butter everywhere!, water and even a few umbrellas). The blue skies were perfect and Screamin' makes for a wonderful backdrop. When Peter Noone hit the stage in his black leather (?) pants --he brought a bundle of energy and a purple monkey in his back pocket(more later on that)! The band was energetic and Peter was bopping around. They sang all their best songs--Henry VII I am, Hush, Can't You Hear My Heartbeat, Mrs Brown You've Got a Lovely Daughter, (The Biology/History Song) and a few I can't remember the names of. I can't say enough about Peter Noone. He was dancing, singing beautifully and was very playful. He threw his purple monkey (from his back pocket) to someone in the front row. He even sang like Mick Jagger(saying he was the illegit son of Mick--lol) and Bob Dylan--it was g-r-e-a-t! The crowd loved it! Mr Noone even walked off stage and had a fan hand him her Herman's Hermits Scrapbook that she has had since she was in 6th Grade and Peter Noone had signed when he was 27 years old. He flipped through the pages on stage as he sang. It was such a sweet moment! At the end he had the crowd singing "H-E-N-R-Y" for the Henry VIII song. Everyone was really having fun. In fact, at the end of the concert, I saw everyone standing around wishing the concert wasn't over! That's a *first* that I've seen at any of these concerts. The charisma of Herman's Hermits definitely struck a chord in the crowd today!! I felt the DCA Magic.

The crowds for the concerts took a considerable dip after The Beach Boys. The Temptations (on the second day when I went) had all the seats full and you could stand at the back railing above with no problem(In comparison to The Beach Boys--it was at least 15 people deep at the same railing). Blood, Sweat & Tears had about a smidge less of a crowd than The Temptations. BS&W also seemed to have quite a few people leaving and seats were empty. Herman's Hermits had less people leaving during the concert than I'd seen in other concerts. Crowd was about as big (if not bigger) than The Temptations. I go to the 3:30pm concerts which might be a different size than the 5:45pm crowd. Today I'll be at DCA for--Starship(formerly known as Jefferson Airplane)!

Rockin' the Bay the DCA way,

Thanks MissD for the great update on the concert series.

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