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Disneyland ResortPicture Set

Visit Date: 08/20/10
Steps: 28,889
Parks Miles: 10.5
Time in Parks: 10.5


Trip Log:

Started off this summer afternoon with a decent parking spot and not a long tram ride. First park of the day was DCA. Walked in and strolled down the Backlot and to the new connector with Bugs Land. Took my fill of pictures and continued on through Bugs and out to the Pier, by way of the parade route. Walked past Ariels and Screamin (which was down) on my way to the Fun Wheel. Went for a spin since it was only a 15 minute wait or so. Once back on the ground continued on past the Maliboomer and Pizza Mow Mow. Stopped at the SS Rustworthy to see if I could get any interesting shots then over to the Zephyr for the same reason. Finished my loop of the Pier and walked by GRR (still doing Fastpasses for the 11:15pm show and it was after 2pm). Walked through the Grand CA and across the street to the Disneyland Hotel to check out the work on the Wonder Tower. The walls were still going up around the construction site for the new pool. Worked my way around and through the lobby then turned around and headed for the Monorail and Disneyland. Wandered around Matterhorn and out to Toontown, made the circle then back through Fantasyland and around the Big Thunder trail and the Rivers of America. There was no line for Haunted Mansion so visited with the 999 happy haunts. Continued on through NOS and Adventureland as I reached the hub. I had some free time so decided to hike out on Harbor to see what I could see of Radiator Springs from there (the answer is not too much yet). Once back in the park had half an hour till the Flag Retreat so paid a visit to Mr. Lincoln then watched the retreat. Headed back up Main Street and into Frontierland to catch the last performance of the Billies for the evening. After the Billies headed back to DCA and out to the Pier. They were setting up for World of COlor, but nothing else interesting so walked around GRR (which was down) and then back down the Backlot (caught a little of the Glow Fest in the Sunshine Plaza along the way). Hung out in the Animation Building for a loop through the clips then spent some more time at the new transistion to Bugs Land. Walked by the Blue Sky Cellar and then back to the Plaza to watch the Glow Fest transition to the Backlot, grabbed a late dinner (for me) at where else, Taste Pilots, then wandered out to check out the transition after dark (by way of Glow Fest). Walked through the Farm area and was met with the exit crowd from World of Color so joined the masses and headed for the park exit. Did one of the guest relations survey (no interesting questions) and then headed back to Disneyland as the Magical Crowd was leaving. Made my way up Main Street and around the Castle to check out the Alice line, way tooo long, so opted for Snow White to see the improvements. After the ride walked around the Castle and Plaza Gardens, through Frontierland and circled around to Adventureland. Hopped on the Jungle Cruise (what should have been a 5-10 min wait was closer to 15-20 due to the limited boats. After the cruise headed for the exit and strolled back to the garage avoiding the trams to head for home.

Other Interesting Stats:
* Moderate Walking Stats (meaning over 2.5mph): 24,030 steps, 204 minutes.

For Comparisons to other trips or more park miles click here to visit our park Miles Section.

Note: These totals may be skewed because the pedometer is zero'd when we start and then left alone and read when we leave. So attractions, and other things may cause extra "steps" to be counted. The pedometer that we use basically measures up/down motion as a step, so if your standing in line and moving up and down it may be counting steps, etc.. so the total distances traveled and steps may be off.. so use these as rough distance comparisons between trips and they may not be accurate in terms of actual distance traveled.

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My Thoughts & Observations:

Hello all,

Friday was a quiet visit to the Disneyland Resort as summer is winding down. I was surprised by how mellow the crowd seemed. There were a fair number of guests roaming around the parks, but lines were not a problem with most well under an hour most of the afternoon/evening. If you timed things right you could even walk on a few attractions for minimal waits in the afternoon.


Trip logs and mileage reports are in the Park Miles section.

Disneyland & DCA Thoughts and Observations:

  • As you saw in the pictures the new walkway between the Tower of Terror area and Bugs Land is now open. Overall I think it looks great and considering the small area the Imagineers had to work with I think it works. The area that everyone is assuming will be a Red Car stop looks good too. The bench had shade even in the heat of the day when I stopped by. One thing that stuck out on Friday was they had not turned on the background music. You could hear a little of the Bugs Land bleading in, but nothing else yet. I went back after dark to check out the area and the lighting is ok, not sure what I was expecting but it just seemed ok to me.

  • The work out at the Disneyland Hotel is kicking into gear with the walls going up around the shopping/dining village and the water falls. Also inside the Wonder Tower a wall has gone up blocking off courtyard side of the building. So the only entrance/exit is the one on the parking lot side. Seems like a major inconvience if you stay over there. Only good thing is in a few months you will be in a newly remodeled room and could have a birdseye view of the construction (speaking of which if anyone stays and has shots send them our way.. curious to see how the work on the other side of the fence progresses).

  • Had some free time in the early afternoon so decided to take a walk out to Harbor Blvd to see what can be seen of Cars Land from there. Most of the view is blocked by trees, fences, or buildings, but there was one small area where you could see a little of the rockwork. The scale of the project is really hard to convey in pictures, I cannot wait to be able to stand at the base and look up at this rock wall.. it looks like Disney is going all out on Radiator Springs to create a truely immersive environment like no other.

  • It was nice to see them painting Screamin, the tubes were really showing some wear. I would have liked to have seen another color, I do not get along with blue (hanging around USC all these years, its a reflex to be against blue).

  • I made a couple passes through Glow Fest. The crowd there seemed a little thinner than usual too. I am guessing it is because of the overall park crowd. Only a few more weeks for all you Glow Fest fans to enjoy it before its season ends.

  • While exiting DCA was asked to do a quick guest survey. It was a run of the mill set of questions about attractions I visited, my thoughts on them. The CM laughed a bit at my attraction list which was the Fun Wheel, SS Rustworthy, Zephyr, and Animation Building and I was in the park for close to seven hours.

  • I finally made it onto Snow Whites Scary Adventure to check out the minor tweaks/new effects. They blend in and look as if they have always been there and you need to really be a fan of the attraction to notice (which I have to confess I do not visit the dark rides that often, mostly because of the lines, nothing against the attractions).

  • Stopped by the Jungle Cruise for a night time cruise. Was a little disappointed by the wait, seems they only had a couple boats running and what should have been a couple minute wait turned into a 10-15 min one. Once onboard the skipper for our boat was terrible.. he plowed through the script and river barely taking a breath or turning around to look at the crew! Then we got to the end and had to sit and wait for the boat in front of us because he went so fast. To give you an example of the speed, we actually outran the piranhas. We were clear of the pool before they surfaced behind us in the dark. If this was my one and only time to see the Jungle Cruise I would have been really disappointed by the experience.

  • Interesting Web Finds/Notes:
    Below are some interesting links, notes, and rumors I found/stumble across/or have been informed of since the last Geekspeaks column.

Be sure to check out the picture update that goes with this Geekspeak column, it can be found in our Disneyland Resort Pictorial Update section

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