11.05.10 - An overview from the Fun Wheel
An overview from the Fun Wheel 11.05.10
11.05.10 - The mural and the boards the mural was mounted on are almost all gone.
The mural and the boards the mural was mounted on are almost all gone. 11.05.10
11.05.10 - A closer look
A closer look 11.05.10
11.05.10 - Panning around the site. The old queue.
Panning around the site. The old queue. 11.05.10
11.05.10 - PT Fleas (I will use the old names for now as reference)
PT Fleas (I will use the old names for now as reference) 11.05.10
11.05.10 - Burger Invasion
Burger Invasion 11.05.10
11.05.10 - Pizza Mow Mow
Pizza Mow Mow 11.05.10
11.05.10 - Looks like the new curb/railing forms are going in for the parade route.
Looks like the new curb/railing forms are going in for the parade route. 11.05.10
11.05.10 - From the ground.
From the ground. 11.05.10
11.05.10 -
11.05.10 -
11.05.10 -
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