12.19.08 - Looking from inside DCA toward the hotel, where is the Sun Wheel when you need the good high shots... guess we will not get any of those until spring when it reopens.
Looking from inside DCA toward the hotel, where is the Sun Wheel when you need the good high shots... guess we will not get any of those until spring when it reopens. 12.19.08
12.19.08 -
12.19.08 -
12.19.08 - Where the two buildings are coming together, this is taken from near the pool.
Where the two buildings are coming together, this is taken from near the pool. 12.19.08
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12.19.08 - Here you can see the roofline taking shape.
Here you can see the roofline taking shape. 12.19.08
12.19.08 - A look over the fence at the courtyard work.
A look over the fence at the courtyard work. 12.19.08
12.19.08 - Not much progress is visible, due to the rain and it only being a few days since my last trip.
Not much progress is visible, due to the rain and it only being a few days since my last trip. 12.19.08
12.19.08 -
12.19.08 -
12.19.08 -
12.19.08 - One last overview of the area.
One last overview of the area. 12.19.08
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