06.09.08 - The 2nd floor looks to have been poured today.
The 2nd floor looks to have been poured today. 06.09.08
06.09.08 -
06.09.08 - Looking to the left
Looking to the left 06.09.08
06.09.08 - Looking right
Looking right 06.09.08
06.09.08 - A closer shot of the center of the building
A closer shot of the center of the building 06.09.08
06.09.08 -
06.09.08 - The supports for the third floor are starting to go in
The supports for the third floor are starting to go in 06.09.08
06.09.08 -
06.09.08 - The view of DCA will be disappearing soon from this area.
The view of DCA will be disappearing soon from this area. 06.09.08
06.09.08 - A wide shot of the area
A wide shot of the area 06.09.08
06.09.08 - Looking left
Looking left 06.09.08
06.09.08 - Looking Right
Looking Right 06.09.08
06.09.08 - A lower wide angle
A lower wide angle 06.09.08
06.09.08 - From one more floor down
From one more floor down 06.09.08
06.09.08 - From ground level
From ground level 06.09.08
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